"Greek life is a great place to meet new people, pursue your interests, and network for the future. At Alpha Gam, we provide many opportunities to network with alumni and community members. A great way to network within a sorority, especially within Alpha Gam, is through holding an officer position because you are able to coordinate tasks and reach out to community members, not only expanding your portfolio, but also creating lasting connections. Many of our advisors and alumni are professionals in their field who are eager to mingle and offer advice to collegiate Alpha Gams. However, networking doesn’t just happen; its up to you to meet like minded individuals within your community and carry those connections with you! Sororities have many officer positions that can be held, allowing you to gain experience in a field and meet professionals operating within those fields. A great example of this is our marketing team, which allows members to get a taste of what it’s like to manage multiple social media platforms and mingle with advisors who have experience in the professional field. This opportunity allows you to broaden your horizons and expand your contacts. Philanthropy is also a great way to network with your peers and also with community businesses and organizations. This is because, through the planning process, members are able to meet a multitude of individuals who coordinate for these companies, making them a future contact. This allows the opportunity to create impressions and volunteer to give back to your community! Aside from community connections, making connections within your sorority will last forever. As university students, we each have a plan in mind and networking within sororities allows you to have connections within multiple industries, as there are a multitude of women in different programs of studies." - Alpha Gamma Delta
Networking in a sorority - Alpha Gamma Delta