University of Toronto
It's not surprising if you already have an image of what "Greek Life" is like at university. It's also not surprising if that image included stuck-up, mean girls, and obnoxious, unintelligent frat guys.
What shouldn't surprise you though is that the movies and TV shows you receive your information from about Greek Life are mainly false. There may be cases where Greek Life goes askew (and we all really do get super excited for recruitment), but members of the Greek community work diligently to try and break the terrible stereotype portrayed through media.
Below we have listed some of the biggest misconceptions about Greek Life to get the image in your mind back on track!
Myth #1:
Sororities Haze
Hazing is any action or situation, with or without the consent of the participants, which recklessly, intentionally, or unintentionally endangers the mental, physical, or academic health or safety of a student.
Sorority houses at the University of Toronto do NOT haze! We take all allegations of hazing very seriously. All houses have a specific no-hazing policy that they will disclose with all potential new members. New members are also given the number of a "Hazing Hotline" which can be called 24/7, if they ever feel that hazing may be taking place.
Myth #2:
All We Do Is Party
All sororities on campus are "dry houses" meaning they do not allow alcohol on the premises. Sorority women are never forced or expected to consume alcohol, and we do not permit underage drinking. There are many opportunities to socialize within the Greek community in an alcohol-free environment.
Sorority women are university students first, and we understand the importance of academic achievement. The University of Toronto is a respected and prestigious post-secondary institution and all women of our community take their academics seriously. Your sorority experience should never hinder or get in the way of that.
Myth #3:
Sorority Girls Are Dumb
Did you know the all-sorority average at U of T is higher than U of T's overall average; and this is not uncommon for most Greek communities at universities across North America.
Sorority women take their academic careers seriously. Many sororities have an academic advisor to help you stay on track, and many other resources for you if you find yourself struggling. All sororities also have a minimum GPA requirement in order to maintain membership, and all houses on campus host study hours. U of T's Greek community is often seen bombarding Robarts with their fellow sisters, brothers and copious amounts of coffee.
Myth #4:
We Pay For Our Friends
Making friends in a sorority is just like making friends outside of one. It doesn’t happen instantly, and the more you put into getting to know your sisters the stronger your bonds will be.
Although we pay dues, that’s true of many national organizations and clubs. Almost all the money you pay goes directly back to you in some way, whether it be through formal events, utilities and maintenance for the chapter house, programming or your special pin. All sorority women have friends both inside and outside of their chapter.
Myth #5:
Sorority Girls Are All A "Specific Type"
Sure, there's always a few super-girly girls in every chapter, but for the most part, sorority girls don't dress in head-to-toe pink, we don't spend all our time crafting, we don't coordinate bows with our everyday outfits and not everything we own has our letters on it. We are normal university women who strive to build our leadership skills, expand our network, progress successfully academically and be involved in our community. All sororities embrace diversity and don't want a chapter of look alikes.